Security is the biggest challenge to future of Information Technology. Security in future could have negative impact on connectivity to public networks if the problems are not addressed properly. Now-a-days the risks are so great and even getting worse every day, the extent of which can be seen in toppling foreign governments. Not having a strong control can put a puppet governess in charge just because of poor security, etc.
The biggest problem isn’t the machines, it’s the people involved at every level, inside and out. Many working computer security experts have identified and feel the situation is almost hopeless. In many organisations, the withdrawal of authentication privileges of employees are not immediately implemented and in some firms it even take months to rescind. The biggest threats are not from the outside, they are from insiders who know the system, both innocent and malicious. Even the top management of big organisations mostly leave lap tops with classified information on buses by accident. People in the office find security too inconvenient and find ways to get around it. One must have heard in news that hackers who socially engineered themselves into a secure control room of a highly restricted areas.
Artificial Intelligence alone will not solve this problem because the biggest issue is not the machines, it’s the weakness is in the people. And unless we can find some way to improve that issue, then the future of IT, at least in the public domain, is going to change to a more locked-up state.